e-Well Disclosure County Login

Welcome to the Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section e-Well Disclosure county recorder page.

Forgot password?

If you are a new county recorder, contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section, to register at: health.welldisclosures@state.mn.us or 651-201-4587.

County Recorders may:

  • Validate an e-Well Disclosure Certificate.
  • View pending e-Well Disclosure Certificates in their county.
  • Generate an invoice for e-Well Disclosure Certificates.
  • Edit/Review user profile.

An e-Well Disclosure Certificate is available for county validation as soon as it is submitted. After an e-Well Disclosure Certificate has been validated it will be available for public viewing within 2 to 3 business days.

e-Well Disclosure County Instructions (PDF: 477KB/23 pages)

Where can I get more information or help?

If you have any questions regarding e-Well Disclosure contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section Central Office, at health.welldisclosures@state.mn.us or by telephone at 651-201-4587 or 800-383-9808.